If you have a car accident lawyer, your lawyer will secure your accident report for you. To secure an accident report prepared by the Houston Police Department yourself, request it through the BuyCrash report website.
Tracking Down Your Houston Police Accident Report
The Houston Police Department website directs people in need of a copy of their crash reports to secure it through the BuyCrash site run by LexisNexis. It’s an online service that works with local police to provide accident reports online.
It’s important to wait at least a week after your accident to give an investigating officer time to complete and post your report.
You will need to create an account with BuyCrash and then search for your accident report. You can use any of these details to track down your document.
- Report number from the accident
- Last name and date of the accident
- Last name and the street the accident happened on
- Last name and the cross street the accident happened on
Your report will cost you around $8. Should you have any additional questions, please call the Open Records Unit at 713-308-9178.
Do I Need a Lawyer After a Car Accident in Houston?
After an accident, if you find yourself with only minor injuries like scratches and bruises, or only damage to your car, you may not benefit from having a lawyer handle your case.
But if you suffer a serious injury and another driver is to blame, talking over your case with a lawyer is a good idea. Among other things, a serious injury would include a broken bone, head trauma, or a neck or back injury.
Insurance companies battle even harder to wiggle out of taking responsibility when your medical bills will go further than one trip to an emergency room. Insurance adjusters work hard in an attempt to pin the blame on you or try to talk you into accepting far less than you’ll need to recover.
Your Houston car accident lawyer protects you from their tactics and ensures you get the maximum in compensation available. That means money to pay your medical bills and money to support your family while you can’t work. And injury settlement checks that factor in the physical pain you’ve endured and the emotional trauma you’ll have to cope with.
To find out if you have a strong case, contact The Gutierrez Law Firm. We offer a free case review to all accident victims. There’s no obligation, but if you feel we can help you earn more for your injury, you won’t need any money to hire us. We don’t get any money unless we win your case for you. Then our fee comes out of the settlement money car insurers must pay you.