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Bellaire Workplace Amputation Lawyer

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If you have suffered an amputation injury while on the job in heavy industry, it is crucial to speak with a workplace injury attorney as soon as possible. These accidents are unfortunately common and can have a significant impact on your life, including mounting medical expenses.

You deserve to be compensated for the loss of a limb on the job. A Bellaire workplace amputation lawyer could help you explore the possibility of filing a lawsuit to seek compensation for your painful loss.

How Workplace Amputation Happens

There are countless ways amputation could occur on the job—especially in heavy industry sectors like construction. When these accidents occur due to an act of negligence, it could be possible to pursue a personal injury lawsuit. A workplace amputation attorney serving Bellaire could pursue legal action after any of the following catastrophic situations.

Major Falls

Falling from a significant height is a common hazard in the workplace. These accidents can result in severe compound fractures in the arms, legs, fingers, or toes. In some cases, these injuries are so devastating that they require amputation of the damaged body part or limb.

Lack of Safety Precautions

Heavy machinery and workplace vehicles can result in amputation in a number of ways. While employers have an obligation to provide workers with safety gear and procedures that could avoid these injuries, the failure to meet those obligations could result in civil liability.

Crushing Injuries

One of the most significant risks of amputation comes with crushing injuries, which are common in accidents involving heavy machinery or large vehicles. When a worker’s limb is crushed between a heavy moving object and a fixed surface, amputation might be required due to the extent of the damage.

Can I Sue for an Amputation Injury at Work?

Many people assume that it is impossible to file a lawsuit for a work-related amputation. It is true that the Texas worker’s compensation system often prevents individuals from suing an employer for a workplace injury. However, there are many situations where some type of third-party personal injury lawsuit is an option.

A worker that suffers amputation on the job might be able to file a lawsuit if their employer is not covered by workers’ compensation insurance. While most employers carry this coverage, that is not always the case. Without this coverage, it is possible to pursue legal action against an employer.

The prohibition on filing a lawsuit only applies to employers and individuals that work for them. If an amputation at work stems from the actions of a third party, it could be possible to hold them accountable through legal action. These third parties could involve anyone from vendors to passing pedestrians that cause an accident.

It might not be immediately clear whether an injured employee has the right to file a lawsuit. One of the benefits that come with experienced legal counsel is relying on their guidance for whom to direct the suit at. A Bellaire attorney could review the facts of a work amputation case and advise when legal action is appropriate.

Contact a Bellaire Workplace Amputation Attorney Right Away

Amputation of a limb can impact your quality of life and ability to earn a living for you and your family. When these injuries occur at the workplace, legal action could provide you with fair compensation.

Do not pursue this type of claim on your own. Contact a Bellaire workplace amputation lawyer as soon as possible for a free confidential consultation.