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Alice Workplace Amputation Lawyer

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Workplace accidents are unfortunately common in heavy industry jobs like oil drilling and refining, and construction. If you lost a finger or a limb during the scope of your work, your life might never be the same and you might be facing a mountain of medical bills. Discuss the possibility of a lawsuit with an Alice workplace amputation lawyer as soon as possible.

Workplace Amputations Resulting from Accidents

A work injury resulting in amputation is one of the most serious and expensive occupational accidents. The loss or amputation of limbs, fingers, or toes will forever alter the life of a worker. Besides the emotional and psychological impact and shock of an amputation, the road to recovery often involves serious financial hardship, as many victims require prosthetics, long-term medical care, mental health treatment, physical therapy, and more.

Amputation injuries cause a workplace accident victim a tremendous amount of both physical and emotional trauma. Victims can suffer from psychological effects such as phantom pain for years after the accident. If you have lost a limb as a result of a serious on-the-job accident, our Alice attorneys will stand up for your rights.

Catastrophic injuries alter lives forever; an amputation is likely to affect all aspects of your daily life, potentially impacting everything from your ability to work to your participation in daily leisure activities.

Contact Our Alice Workplace Amputation Attorneys

The Alice wrongful amputation lawyers at The Gutierrez Law Firm will work to maximize the compensation you are entitled to receive. Over the years, we have obtained favorable verdicts and settlements for all types of personal injury claims. Our skilled injury lawyers really do understand how an amputation will affect the victim and families of victims and their loved ones. Call today to discuss your situation.